Sunday, July 5, 2009

Are Singaporeans gracious and socially responsible?

Social responsibility is important to everyone. When we are out in the public, we must take care of our image. We must preserve our identity as a Singaporean. For example, especially during this H1N1 outbreak, those who are not feeling well should stay at home so that the disease would not be spread to other people. Still, there are some irresponsible people who do not wish to stay at home and go to the doctors even though the person is not feeling well. These are some the factors that shows not all Singaporeans are socially responsible.

Besides being socially responsible, we must also be gracious to people around us. For example, in a public transport, an elderly person had just got on to the bus and there are no empty seats. People who are fit and healthy should offer their seats to the elderly. However, there are some people who still do not want to do so, not offering seats to the elderly, pregnant lady and disabled ones. These are some of the examples on how Singaporeans can be ungracious

In conclusion, Singaporeans are gracious and socially responsible. However, there are some who still need to learn more on how to be gracious and socially responsible.

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